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Yearly Archives: 2022
Christian County Employees of the Year!
The Christian County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office is pleased to announce that four members of the office were recognized this morning as Christian County Employees of the Year.
Commissioner Lynn Morris presented First Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Kristen Tuohy, Senior Prosecuting Attorney Shana Mora, Victim Advocate Cathryn Ables, and Victim Advocate Shannon Stephens with the honor of Employees of the Year.
These four were recognized for their role in combating child sexual and physical abuse. In February of 2022 Kristen Tuohy, Shana Mora, and Cathryn Ables were part of a multidisciplinary team from Christian County who were selected from applications from across Missouri to attend a Train the Trainer: Crime Scene to Trial.
This training is presented by Zero Abuse Project. Zero Abuse Project is a 501(c)(3) organization. It is committed “to transforming institutions in order to effectively prevent, recognize, and respond to child sexual abuse.” Zero Abuse Project programs “are designed to provide cross-disciplinary education and training, advocacy for systemic legal change, guidance for survivor support, and leadership on emerging technologies.” They “take a holistic approach by also recognizing and addressing the intersecting forms of child maltreatment in connection with child sexual abuse.” Zero Abuse Project is working to eliminate child sexual abuse in all of its forms. The Chief Program Officer is Victor Vieth. Victor Vieth is nationally and internationally recognized for his work in addressing child abuse.
The goal of this training is not only to make the participants more knowledge and better able to respond, investigate and prosecute these crimes, also for those trained to be able to train others in their area. They completed their training in February 2022. The members from the Christian County Prosecuting Attorney’s office along with their other team members and members from the Child Advocacy Center organized and presented this Crime Scene to Trial Training to allied professionals from our area in September 2022.
There were three teams trained. These teams were made up of prosecutors, law enforcement, investigators from the Division of Social Services, and forensic interviewers. They reviewed a mock crime from initial crime scene including interviewing suspects, interviewing witnesses, forensically interviewing child victims and witnesses, seizing evidence, requesting lab analysis, requesting search warrants and ultimately presenting charging decisions to all the participants. Kristen Tuohy, Shana Mora, and Cathryn Ables, from the Christian Count Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, served on the faculty for this training. Just as in a real case, there are many people to interview, there were many people who played roles of various individuals from the mock scenario. Shannon Stephens was one of those who assisted with the training in this way. She played a vital and crucial role in the scenario. Her preparation and excellent job in the role – was integral to the success of the training.
The training required the coordination and cooperation of various offices and agencies that serve sex crimes and child abuse victims here in Christian County. Additionally, the training included Victor Vieth and another member his team who participated in the training provided in Christian County. They were here also to evaluate the quality of the training. At the conclusion of this training, the Christian County team was approved by Zero Abuse to continue to present Crime Scene to Trial training to allied professional from our region . They will continue to offer this training to allied professionals in southwest Missouri. Christian County is the first team in Missouri who has been approved to provide this training.
These four demonstrate the commitment to be the most prepared and knowledge in combating child physical and sexual abuse. We are very fortunate in Christian County to have such dedicated and committed individuals represented in all the allied agencies and offices that respond to, investigate, and protect those who have been victims of child physical and/or sexual abuse.

Christian County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office 2022 Annual Report
The Christian County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has released its 2022 annual report. Click here to view report: https://prosecutorsmogov-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/adam_alb_prosecutors_mo_gov/ERKaftHUSH1Io8qvpICPjIQBoGTTL9q4N-EVQ8NKCeG4Sw?e=GfQSGx
Amy Fite: 417-581-7915
DATE: November 10, 2022
OZARK, MO – The Christian County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office announces that Jenson Wayne Faught (W/M), age 34, previously of Berryville, Arkansas, Missouri, on November 9, 2022, in front of the Honorable Jessica Kruse pled guilty to all twelve counts charged, including four counts of the class A felony of Assault in the First Degree – special victim, four counts of the unclassified felony of Armed Criminal Action, one count of the class B felony of Burglary in the First Degree, one count of the class E felony of Unlawful Use of a Weapon, one count of the class E felony of Resisting Arrest, and one count of the class E felony of Property Damage in the First Degree.
The facts supporting the plea included that members of the Christian County Sheriff’s Office responded to check a person with a weapon call. The Defendant, Jenson Faught, had unlawfully entered a shop building on a residence. The Defendant, armed with a gun, told the homeowner to come inside the shop building with him. The homeowner said “No” and ran down the driveway and waved down detectives. Over the next two hours, the Defendant refused law enforcement commands to come outside. The Defendant fired over 100 rounds at law enforcement officers, and one officer was struck and evacuated from the scene. Various law enforcement agencies responded to assist. The Defendant was taken into custody after a tactical team was able to approach the building in armored vehicles and deployed chemical munitions inside the shop building.
The plea was entered pursuant to a plea agreement and immediately proceeded to sentencing. Pursuant to the terms of the plea agreement the Honorable Judge Jessica Kruse sentenced the Defendant as follows. As to:
Ct. I – Assault in the First Degree – special victim – LIFE sentence in the Missouri Department of Corrections.
Ct. II – Armed Criminal Action – FIVE (5) YEARS in the Missouri Department of Corrections
Ct. III – Assault in the First Degree – special victim – TWENTY-FIVE (25) YEARS in the Missouri Department of Corrections
Ct. IV – Armed Criminal Action – FIVE (5) YEARS in the Missouri Department of Corrections
Ct. V – Assault in the First Degree – special victim – TWENTY-FIVE (25) YEARS in the Missouri Department of Corrections
Ct. VI – Armed Criminal Action – FIVE (5) YEARS in the Missouri Department of Corrections
Ct. VII – Assault in the First Degree – special victim – TWENTY-FIVE (25) YEARS in the Missouri Department of Corrections
Ct. VIII – Armed Criminal Action – FIVE (5) YEARS in the Missouri Department of Corrections
Ct. IX – Burglary in the First Degree – FIFTEEN (15) YEARS in the Missouri Department of Corrections
Ct. X – Unlawful Use of a Weapon – FOUR (4) YEARS in the Missouri Department of Corrections
Ct. XI – Resisting Arrest – FOUR (4) YEARS in the Missouri Department of Corrections
Ct. XII – Property Damage in the First Degree – FOUR (4) YEARS in the Missouri Department of Corrections
The sentences are structured so some run concurrently and some run consecutively. The total sentence the defendant received was a LIFE sentence plus FIVE (5) years in the Missouri Department of Corrections. By statute, the defendant must serve 85% of each of the sentences before becoming eligible for parole.
The class A felonies carry a range of punishment of 10 years to 30 years or life in the Missouri Department of Corrections. A defendant must serve 85% of any sentence imposed before becoming eligible for parole.
The unclassified felonies as charged carry a minimum term of three (3) years to a maximum term of fifteen (15) years in the Missouri Department of Corrections. The defendant must serve 85% of any sentence imposed before becoming eligible for parole.
The class B felony carries a range of punishment of five (5) to fifteen (15) years in the Missouri Department of Corrections.
The class E felony carries a range of punishment of incarceration up to one (1) year in the County Jail or up to four (4) years in the Missouri Department of Corrections and/or a fine up to $10,000.
This case was investigated by the Christian County Sheriff’s Office. Multiple agencies responded to assist during the incident. These agencies included: The Greene County Sheriff’s Office, the Missouri Highway Patrol, the Webster County Sheriff’s Office, the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office, ATF, Springfield Police Department, and the Ozark Fire Department. The plea and sentencing was handled by Prosecuting Attorney Amy Fite.
Dale Tavares Named Employee of the Quarter!
Please congratulate Dale Tavares on being recognized as employee of the quarter. Presiding Commissioner Phillips, who presented Dale with the award, highlighted that Dale serves as a mentor to all the new employees coming into our office. That she has a great attitude. That you will hear her name often as part of the fabric that makes our office run.

New APA Tarek Masri
On September 15th, 2022 Judge Bacon administered the Oath of Admission as a new attorney with Tarek Masri, as he had previously been a Rule 13 intern with our office. Judge Bacon then confirmed him as an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney. Prior to receiving his badge of office he was administered the Prosecutor Code of Ethics by Prosecuting Attorney Amy Fite.

Tarek joined the Christian County Prosecutor’s Office in June of 2014. He was born and raised in Southwest Missouri and received a B.A. in Politics from the University of Dallas, Irving TX, in 2019. He received his Juris Doctorate from Saint Louis University School of Law in 2022. And he has previous experience as a Rule 13 intern at St. Charles County Prosecutor’s Office and the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Eastern District of Missouri.