Linda Bowers and Charles Lowery Revoked for Probation Violations
Contact: Prosecuting Attorney’s Office
Anna L. Bunch, Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
DATE: May 28, 2019
RE: Defendants Revoked for Violating Their Probation
OZARK, MO – The Christian County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office announces that defendants, Linda Bowers and Charles Lowery, had their probation revoked in front of the Honorable Judge Laura Johnson.
Linda Bowers had previously pled guilty to possession of a controlled substance in February 2017 and was given a Suspended Imposition of Sentence. She was placed on probation and ordered to comply with several conditions of probation. Bowers admitted to violating her probation back in December 2018 and was given multiple chances to do better on probation. On May 16, 2019, after hearing arguments from both sides, the Court revoked Bowers probation, and she was sentenced to seven (7) years Mo Dept of Corrections under 559.115 (Institutional Treatment Program-ITC).
Charles Lowery had previously pled guilty to possession of controlled substance in July 2016. He was placed on probation and was shortly thereafter declared an absconder. Lowery was revoked and sent to do a 120 ITC. After release from the 120 ITC, he was placed back on probation. Lowery again back violating his probation. He was discharged three times from substance abuse treatment, had positive drug tests, and then stopped reporting. On May 23, 2019, after a hearing, the Court revoked his probation and executed his seven (7) year sentence.
Possession of controlled substance was a class C felony at the time both cases were committed. The range of punishment for a class C felony at that time was one day up to seven (7) years incarceration and/or a fine not to exceed $5000.
The cases were handled by Senior Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Anna Bunch.
CCPA Helps Make a Difference

Contact: Prosecuting Attorney’s Office
DATE: MAY 28, 2019
OZARK, MO – The Christian County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office announces that members of the office are helping make a difference in the community.
On May 24, 2019, members of the office participated in the Christian County D.A.R.E. Benefit Golf tournament. The four-person team consisted of Christian County Prosecuting Attorney Amy Fite, Senior Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Anna Bunch, Victim/Witness Advocate Julie Harlan, and Clever Police Dept. Chief Jeff Lofton. All proceeds of the tournament go to the D.A.R.E. Program which educates kids in Christian County about the dangers of drugs and alcohol and equips them with the skills to resist them.
On June 8, 2019, Senior Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Shana Mora will be going Over the Edge for the Child Advocacy Center. Mora will be rappelling down SKY ELEVEN in downtown Springfield, Mo. Over the Edge has become an annual fundraiser for the Child Advocacy Center, and it uses the funds raised through this event to make sure there is a safe place for child victims to talk about their experiences. Mora is the third person from the CCPA Office to go Over the Edge. Christian County Prosecuting Attorney Amy Fite and First Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Kristen Tuohy have previously gone Over the Edge.
If you are interested in donating, here is Shana Mora’s link:
Barry George Found Guilty at Jury Trial of DWI, Trespass
Contact: John M. Peacock
Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
(417) 581-7915
DATE: May 29, 2019
OZARK, MO – The Christian County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office announces that BARRY GEORGE DOB:5/25/1964, of Sparta, Missouri was found guilty after a two-day jury trial held April 29-30, 2019. The jury trial was commenced before the Honorable Judge Laura Johnson.
The Christian County jury found the defendant guilty of both counts, driving while intoxicated and trespass in the first degree. The jury deliberated for approximately an hour and forty-five minutes before finding the defendant guilty. Formal sentencing is scheduled before the Honorable Judge Laura Johnson on June 25, 2019.
The defendant had two prior convictions for driving while intoxicated. These prior convictions for DWI make the defendant’s current conviction a persistent DWI offense. Driving While Intoxicated as a persistent offender is a class E felony. The range of punishment for an E felony is either a special term of incarceration in the Christian County Jail not to exceed one year or a term of incarceration in the Mo Dept of Corrections not to exceed four years and/or a fine not to exceed $10,000 dollars. The range of punishment for trespass in the first degree of a class B misdemeanor is a term of incarceration in the Mo. Dept. of Corrections not to exceed six months and/or a fine not to exceed $1,000.
The investigation of this case was handled by Christian County Sheriff’s Department Deputies Lachlan Hicks and John Wilkerson. The case was prosecuted by Assistant Prosecuting Attorney John Peacock assisted by First Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Janette Bleau.
Nicholas Sanna Found Guilty of Felony Kidnapping, Domestic Assault and Property Damage
Contact: Janette Bleau
1st Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
(417) 581-7915
DATE: May 24, 2019
OZARK, MO – The Christian County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office announces that on May 15, 2019 defendant was found guilty of the above noted charges by Judge Laura Johnson after a bench trial that was held on May 13, 2019. At the trial, victim A.G. testified that she was on her lunch break from a Nixa nursing home and was parked in the Walmart parking lot in Nixa when the defendant, her estranged boyfriend, found her there, yelled at her and pounded on the car window she was in and it broke the window. He reached through the broken window, took the car keys out of the ignition and threw them out into the parking lot. A.G. exited the vehicle and tried to run away but defendant grabbed her and threw her into the vehicle he arrived in and took off with her. A.G. testified that she was very afraid and tried to exit the car even though it was in motion but defendant would grab her and prevent her from leaving. An employee of Walmart (witness) testified that she saw the defendant chasing the victim and heard the victim yelling for help. Witness tried to reach the victim to help but before she could get to victim she saw the defendant grab the victim and throw victim into a vehicle and drive off. The incident was also caught on the Walmart video camera. Defendant also changed the password to victim’s phone so she could not use it. During the drive he told A.G. multiple things including he was going to “put her 6 feet under.” He drove her to a location in Rogersville and he got out of the car and let her drive away. K.K., co-worker of A.G. (and owner of the vehicle that the window was broken out) testified that when A.G. arrived back to work A.G. was hysterical. Officer Logan Cash and Officer Barton also testified. Sentencing is set for is set for July 17, 2019 at 2:30 pm.
Punishment for kidnapping in the 1st degree class B felony is five to fifteen years in the Missouri Department of Corrections. An individual convicted and sentenced for this offense shall not be eligible for parole until eighty-five percent of the sentence is served.
Punishment for domestic assault in the 4th degree is one day to one year in the Christian County Jail and/or a fine of up to $2000.
Punishment for property damage in the 2nd degree is one day to six months in the Christian County Jail and/or a fine of up to $2000.
This case was investigated by the Nixa Police Department. The prosecution was handled by 1st Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Janette Bleau.
Clayton Landrigan Sentenced to 15 Years in DOC
Contact: Anna L. Bunch, Senior Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
DATE: May 3, 2019
OZARK, MO – The Christian County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office announces that on May 2, 2019, Clayton J. Landrigan, dob: 02/14/1993, was sentenced on a pending drug case and admitted to violating his probation on another drug case in front of the Honorable Judge Laura Johnson.
Landrigan pleaded without a plea agreement to possession with intent to distribute on February 7, 2019, for an event that occurred on June 21, 2015. Landrigan was found by officers with over 10 grams of methamphetamine in separate individual baggies. Texts on the defendant’s phone indicated he was distributing methamphetamine.
After reviewing a Sentencing Assessment Report and hearing arguments from the State and defense counsel, the Court sentenced Landrigan to fifteen (15) years in the Missouri Department of Corrections. Defense counsel argued for probation and Drug Court. The State pointed out his prior convictions and multiple violations while on probation.
The defendant received the maximum sentence for the class B felony charge. The range of punishment was five (5) to fifteen (15) years in the Missouri Department of Corrections.
Landrigan also admitted to violating the terms of his probation on a prior case, and his previous sentences of five (5) years in the Missouri Department of Corrections were executed. On his prior case, Landrigan had pleaded guilty to forgery and possession of a controlled substance.
The sentencing and probation violation were handled by Senior Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Anna Bunch. The cases were investigated by the Ozark Police Department.